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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India

300 hour yoga teacher training in goa

From Asana to Samadhi:

We offer the best 300-hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training course covering Primary & Intermediate Series Asanas and Vinyasa of the Mysore style Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. 

You will be trained by one of the best Ashtanga yoga masters in the world with experience of over 18 years in different disciplines of yoga. He is not only dedicated to learning the physical practice of yoga but also has an in-depth knowledge of the philosophy of yoga. You will discover the relationship of the practice and theory with your own life. We aim to introduce you to your inner teacher and show you the aspects of the self that block this realization. 

We are located in the beautiful beach destination of Agonda in South Goa, where we conduct our regular teacher training courses and yoga retreats. The location abundant with nature has a healing quality that is felt as soon as you arrive here. You are invited to come and experience real transformation not only on a physical level but on much deeper levels of the mind and soul.

Astanga Yoga Teacher Training Goa highlights

  • 300-hour Ashtanga yoga teacher training

  • Learn Primary and Intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga.

  • Eligibility to register with yoga alliance upon completion as RYT 500.

  • The residential course is inclusive of satvik vegetarian food and comfortable accommodation.

  • Shared or private accommodation to choose from.

  • Different accommodation packages to suit your pocket.

  • Our Ashtanga yoga teacher training fees are most reasonable.

  • Learn from one of the best Ashtanga masters, who has vast experience in teaching ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

  • Located on a hillside in the middle of nature and fruit trees has a healing quality to it.

Daily Schedule 300-hour ashtanga yoga teacher training

  • 07.00 to 9.00:   Asana Pranayama Meditation Session

  • 09.00 to 11.00: Break Fast                      

  • 11.00 to 13.00: Theory session.

  • 13.00 to 15.00: Lunch

  • 15.00 to 16.00: Theory

  • 16.00 to 18.00: Ashtanga Practice

  • 18.00 to 19.00: Dinner 

  • The schedule is subject to change.

Technique Training and Practice

  • The practice of Ashtanga Full Primary Series Asanas
    1.  Surya Namaskar A       
    2.  Surya Namaskar B
    3.  Padangushtasana          
    4.  Padhastasana
    5.  Utthita Trikonasana A-B
    6.  Utthita Parsvkonasana A-B
    7.  Prasarita Padottanasana A-D
    8.  Parsvottanasana
    9.  Utthitahasta Padangusthasana
    10. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
    11. Utkat Asana      
    12. Veerbhadrasana A-B
    13. Dandasana
    14. Paschimottanasana
    15. Purvottanasana
    16. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana 
    17. Triangmukhaikapada Paschimottanasana 
    18. Janu Sirsasana A-C
    19. Marichiasana A-D
    20. Navasana
    21. Bhujpeedasana
    22. Kurmasana
    23. Suptakurmasana
    24. Garbha Pindasana
    25. Kukkutasana
    26. Badhakonasana A-B
    27. Upvistha Konasana A-B
    28. Supta Konasana
    29. Supta Padanguthasana
    30.Ubhaya Padangusthasana
    31. Urdhavamukha Paschimottanasana 
    32. Setubandhasana
    33. Urdhava Dhanurasana
    34. Sarvangasana
    35. Halasana
    36. Karna Pidasana
    37. Urdhava Padmasana
    38. Pindasana
    39. Matsyasana
    40. Uttana Padasana
    41. Sirsasana  A-B
    44. Baddha Padmasana
    45. Yoga Mudra
    46. Padmasana
    47. Uthplutih

  • Total Number of Asanas in Primary Series =65

  • Please Note: We cover the primary series asanas depending on the capability of the student

300 hour ashtanga yoga teacher training

Asanas of Intermediate Series for 300-hour ashtanga yoga ttc India

  • 1.    Surya Namaskara A

  • 2.    Surya Namaskara B

  • 3.    Padangusth Asana

  • 4.    Padahasta Asana

  • 5.    Utthita Trikon Asana A-B

  • 6.    Utthita Parsvakon Asana A-B

  • 7.    Prasarita padottan Asana A-D

  • 8.    Parsvottan Asana

  • 9.    Pasasana

  • 10.  Kronchasana

  • 11.   Salabhasana A-B

  • 12.  Bhekasana

  • 13.  Dhanurasana

  • 14.  Parsva Dhanurasana

  • 15.  Ustrasana

  • 16.  Laghu Vajrasana

  • 17.  Kapotasana A-B

  • 18.  Supta Vajrasana

  • 19.  Bakasana A-B

  • 20.  Bhardwajasana

  • 21.   Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • 22.  Ekapada Sirsasana A-C

  • 23.  Dwipada Sirsasana A-B

  • 24.  Yoga Nidrasana

  • 25.  Titibhasana A-C

  • 26.  Pincha Mayurasana

  • 27.  Karandavasana

  • 28.  Mayurasana

  • 29.  Nakrasana

  • 30.  Vatayanasana

  • 31.  Parighasana

  • 32.  Gomukhasana A-C

  • 33.  Supta Urdhavapada Vajrasana A-B

  • 34.  Muktahasta Sirsasana A-C

  • 35.  Baddhahasta Sursasana A-D

  • 36.  Urdhava Dhanurasana

  • 37.  Drop back Urdhava Dhanurasana

  • 38.  Paschimottan Asana

  • 39.  Salaba Sarvangasana

  • 40.  Halasana

  • 41.  Karnapidasana

  • 42.  Urdhava Padmasana

  • 43.  Pindasana

  • 44.  Matsyasana

  • 45.  Uttana Padasana

  • 46.  Sirshasana

  • 47.  Baddha Padmasana

  • 48.  Yoga Mudra

  • 49.  Padmasana

  • 50.  Uth Pluthi (Tolasana)

  • Asanas of Primary series & Intermediate Series depending on capability of students.

  • Vinyasa sequence with Sanskrit counting.

  • Ujjayi Breathing, Bandha,  & Drishti

  • Adjustments and alignments of Asanas

  • Sanskrit count for each Asana.

  • Asana, Vinyasa, &  transitions.

  • Sukshama Vyayam ( Micro Exercises )


  • Yogic Breathing

  • Kapalbhati

  • Nadi Shodhan

  • Sheetali

  • Sheetkari

  • Bhramari

  • Moorcha

  • Bahya Pranayama

  • Agnisara Kriya

Yoga Philosophy 

  • Bhagwat Gita 2nd Chapter

  • Yoga sutras; 4 chapters; detailed study; Translation & exposition.

  • Adwait Vedanta (non-dual Vedanta) Mandukya Upanishad

  • Pancha Kosha

  • Pancha Prana

  • Pancha Mahabhutas

  • Bandhas

  • Chakras

  • Nadis


  • Anatomical directions, planes, &  Locations.

  • Skeletal System;

  • Fundamental bones

  • Bones of shoulder and hip

  • Axial and appendicular Skeletons

  • Shoulder Girdle

  • Pelvic Girdle

  • Vertebral Column

  • Spinal Curves

  • Joints

  • Articular Structure

  • Joint reaction forces

  • Ligaments

  • Pelvis and hips ligaments

  • Shoulder Ligaments

  • Vertebral Ligaments

  • Trunk Ligaments

  • Knee Ligaments


Muscular System


  • Origin & Insertion

  • Agonist, Antagonist, & Synergists

  • Muscle shapes

  • Monoarticular & Polyarticular Muscles

  • Types of Muscle contractions

  • Muscle structure and function.

  • Static & Dynamic Stretching

  • Open and Closed Chain Movements

  • Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Flexion, Extension.


Key muscles of Yoga.


  • Iliopsoas

  • Gluteus Maximus

  • Gluteus Medius

  • Tensor Fascia Lata

  • Pectineus

  • Adductor Magnus

  • Piriformis

  • Quadratus Femoris

  • Quadriceps

  • Hamstrings

  • Abdominals; Rectus Abdominis

  • Transversus Abdominis

  • Internal Oblique

  • External Oblique

  • Back Muscles; Erector Spinae

  • Quadratus Lumborum

  • Latissimus Dorsi

  • Trapezius

  • Pectoralis Major & Minor

  • Rhomboids

  • Serratus Anterior

  • Deltoids

  • Rotator Cuff; Infraspinatus

  • Supraspinatus

  • Subscapularis

  • Shoulder Biomechanics & Impingement

  • Biceps Branchii

  • Brachialis

  • Triceps Branchii

  • Sternocleidomastoid

  • Gastrocnemius

Other Topics Covered in 300-hour yoga teacher training

  • Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

  • Teaching Practices & Yoga Business Ethics

  • Business Aspects of Yoga

  • Ethics for Yoga Teachers

  • Teaching a lead class & Mysore Style Class.

  • Receiving & Giving Feedback

  • Observing others teaching

  • Meditation, Yoga Nidra 

  • Mantra Chanting & Prayer

  • Written and oral tests.

What`s included


  • 300-hour ashtanga yoga teacher training

  • 3 vegetarian meals

  • Comfortable shared or private accommodation set in nature.

  • Most reasonable 300-hour ashtanga yoga teacher training fees.

  • Non-contact hours for self-practice, and self-study.

  • Pranayama, meditation, and philosophy

  • Certificate of completion and eligibility to register.

  • Designation of Registered Yoga Teacher RYT300 or RYT500 upon successful completion of training.


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